With the onslaught of locators with built in GPS. Rycom after consulting the locating industry in USA and Access Detection in Australia decided that this was not the best way forward for mapping of utilities. The benefits of having GPS/GNNS RTK antenna that can be removed from the locator to use on other projects and instruments removes the need to purchase a second RTK GPS/GNSS antenna when locating non metallic services using GPR or other methods.
A lot of professional locators already have a GPR like the PinPointR. This allows the use of the same antenna for other mapping roles. Some customers already have GPS antennas that they could also potentially use on the Rycom.
Rycom has designed a mount that fits seamlessly into the existing housing and with the new PathCom communications board allows easy connection to most bluetooth GPS antennas. Two very good examples are the EMLID RX and the Trimble DA2. Both low cost antennas. With companies like EMLID and Trimble you are assured of a high quality GPS/GNSS antenna that won’t drop out of RTK Fix as regularly as inbuilt antennas.
We are offering customers a package with either the EMLID RX or Trimble DA2, a solid mount for your phone using Quad lock mounts and 1 years subscription to TerraFlow Utility Mapper a great and simple program to use with the system that can output your saved data straight to a GIS system like ArcGIS Earth or QGIS.
We are also working with Geolantis 360 to integrate with the Rycom locator soon.